11. Februar 2009

Stelthlight v1.4

Der neue stelthlight Bot wurde vor wenigen minuten releast.


- walk on the training area rewriten for no walk out of area (if "strict area" set)
- founded walkscript bugs fixed and timing improved
- character pickup improved one time more...
- euro chars skill use improved
- autoattack fully rewriten for speed and better skill use
- autodefence fully rewriten (like autoattack)
- other bugfixes, that i forgot now...
- reform party improved, but silkroad have a bug(!!!!). if anyone get out from your party, the party will be closed... i tested it many times, and the party was still close after anyone leave...
- attack skill selection for "knock down" added
- detection of mob "down" status for use the "knock down" skill
- slowantinoke dont want to be detected, you cant answer, if he/she attack you
- pickup pet unstuckthe
setting file has been changed!!!!!!
the best way is to set up all your options new!and if you know, what you do, you can do this:
1. open your setting file (subfolder character -> charname.txt)
2. change this (1.4 is the right version number!):[Version]1.4[/Version]
3. delete all your buffs, you should have this:[SkillsBuff][/SkillsBuff]
4. dont touch anything else
5. save the file (overwrite the old file!!!)now can you start the bot

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